Piston Depositors
Hinds Bock 4 Piston Depositor
Hinds Bock 4 Piston DepositorCall for PricingRead more
Hinds Bock 4 Piston Depositor
Hinds Bock 4 Piston DepositorHinds Bock 4 Piston Depositor
Manufacturer – Hinds Bock
Model – 4P-08NT
4 Pistons
Hugart DS5000 Tray Filler, Sealer, Lidder
Hugart DS5000 Tray Filler, Sealer, LidderCall for PricingRead more
Hugart DS5000 Tray Filler, Sealer, Lidder
Hugart DS5000 Tray Filler, Sealer, LidderHugart DS5000 Tray Filler, Sealer, Lidder
Stainless steel construction
Rotary Tray Piston Filler
16 stations
DOM: 2002
Tray size: 3 1/8 x 4.5″
230V – 3 phase – 60hz
Hugart DS5000 Cup Filler, Sealer, Lidder
Hugart DS5000 Cup Filler, Sealer, LidderCall for PricingRead more
Hugart DS5000 Cup Filler, Sealer, Lidder
Hugart DS5000 Cup Filler, Sealer, LidderHugart DS5000 Cup Filler, Sealer, Lidder
Stainless steel construction
Rotary Cup Piston Filler
16 stations
DOM: 2002
Cup size: 3.09 inches (78mm)
230V – 3 phase – 60hz
Heater heads are new
Spart parts included
Hinds Bock 3P-08 Piston Filler
Hinds Bock 3P-08 Piston FillerCall for PricingRead more
Hinds Bock 3P-08 Piston Filler
Hinds Bock 3P-08 Piston FillerMake: Hinds Bock
Model: 3P-08
Age: 2014
3 head piston filler / depositor, single hopper
All filling spouts are in one line
8-ounce maximum displacement per cycle per valve
Single adjustment point that will adjust all of the fill volumes in each piston
Has a single control panel
Missing one Piston
Has been in storage for a few years
Hinds Bock 8-Head Piston Filler
Hinds Bock 8-Head Piston FillerCall for PricingRead more
Hinds Bock 8-Head Piston Filler
Hinds Bock 8-Head Piston FillerMake: Hinds Bock
8 Head, “U” hopper with agitation
No tag
The control panel needs work.
Cylinders are about 2″ id x 7″ long.
Est 2.6 oz to 10.4 oz fill
Hinds Bock 6P-32 Piston Filler
Hinds Bock 6P-32 Piston FillerCall for PricingRead more
Hinds Bock 6P-32 Piston Filler
Hinds Bock 6P-32 Piston FillerMake: Hinds Bock
Model: 6P-32
6 Head machine
With hopper, no agitation
Piston cylinders are 3 3/4″ ID x 7″ long the discharge port is a tri-clamp fitting with 0.84″ ID